manjummel boys real photo subash

Manjummel Boys Subhash real-life photos from their real trip. Here is a photograph of Subhash and his friends.

manjummel boys real photo
Subhash Chandran, The real-life photo of Manjummel Boy.

Read: Real Story of Manjummel Boys

Manjummel Boys Real Photo Subash

manjummel boys real photo subash
Subhash Manjummel Boys real photo. Credit: SubhashChandran22

Manjummel Boys Original Photos.

Let’s have a look at the real group photos of the Manjummel Boy’s as shown in the post credit seen of the movie ” Manjummel Boys”

Manjummel Boys Real Story

The 10 friends who are members of a club in Kerala including Mr. Subhash and Kuttan.

They initially plan to go on a tour within Kerala but later decide to venture outside the state.

Manjummel Boys
manjummel boys
manjummel boys group

However, their journey takes an unforeseen turn when, on route to Tamil Nadu, one of the friends suggests exploring a cave nestled in the mountains.

Accepting this thrilling idea, they all agree to visit the restricted cave, with such a parlous road.

While exploring the cave, one of the friends, Subhash, accidentally falls into a deep pit. Uncertain about how to handle the situation and fearing the consequences of involving the police, the group finds themselves in a precarious dilemma.

Firstly, they try to identify the length of the cave by dropping a small rock, but soon they realize that the cave is much deeper than their initial thought was. They also thought that, Subhash may having fun but as the time passes they soon understand that they are in a trouble as deep as the cave.

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